
Showing posts from May, 2022

A farewell party to remember (09.05.2022) - From 8th Batch to 7th Batch//Tamil Nadu Forest Academy

  …opened my blog, started writing, stopped in the middle, deleted, ended up penning a few words for statuses and stories… This was the state of my current cycle. There were some articles and stories I wished I had completed.   But tonight, I have 3 choices –  1.       Playing games 2.       Reading books 3.       Watching Peaky Blinders  4.       Watching YouTube videos 5.       Writing this for our juniors Now, I’m writing to thank our sweet, dear juniors for throwing us such a fantastic farewell party.  Hosting a successful programme of any kind, especially in academies, is difficult. But, voilĂ , a night to remember! Despite the fact that they had their road-alignment exercise today, they still managed to nail the programme for us.  How I met them:  1.       The first persons I met were Chougyal, Pukar, Priya, and Dhukchen. When they first arrived, they wore masks. But I noticed that they were our people. I know they're better-looking than I am, but hey! We have the same faces,