That’s not what I sought – Farewell, Master of Science (Agriculture)

Copy to: All my family members and friends who asked me to wrap up my thesis work saying I only need a couple of weeks to compile. I appreciate your concern.

        If I had to pen-down three things I’d like to accomplish before I take my last gasp, this would certainly have its place – “To share (not any stuff that has the potential to damage the feeling of anyone) all the things I've learned to the world”.
       I used to compose so many things inside my head as a young boy. One of them has always been-" I want to be remembered as a Christian, a man, a Mizo and a fan of Arsenal FC. I know that I have miserably failed to live up to the standard of these. But, even if I were to sin a million times every day, I believe I should not drag down anyone else with me.

Want to drink? – Don't cause mayhem

Want to party? – Do so in closed doors

Try to be embroiled in fornication? – Do so so as not to bring shame to your religion, your family and your community.

Wanting to indulge in corruption? -
 Steal from the citizens who still have certain stocks stacked up. Not from the people who work their asses off just to make their ends meet.

These are only a couple of a variety of potential instances.

Then why do I ramble so loudly? 
And, how do the comments above apply to my quitting M.Sc. (Ag.)?

Many of the factors why I wanted to seek M.Sc. after a year-long break?
Discovering different skills, meeting new acquaintances and building fresh memories. Long story short, a few months before we started gathering data for our research work, I consulted one of our department (Department of Agricultural Extension) teachers, asking him the importance of research work and how the farmers could benefit anything from it. I was taken aback by the response – "M.Sc. research is not meant to be benefited by anyone. It was a mere learning step for a PhD." Me being highly spirited and always looked at anything from different perspectives, I was not willing to give my best shot from that very moment. I know I should have done my research so much better than I actually did. Yet, I just couldn’t. I envisioned my Thesis being piled up in one of the library stacks, only to be read by the students when their time to write a thesis pounded hard on their doors.

            I have always been so far from being a gentleman. I did hurt a dozen men. I have let down my buddies and relatives several times. Yet there is one thing that I was proud of. From B. Sc days onward, I never wanted to cheat on any of the tests and exams. There were times, like practical exams and some test days, where I overlooked the principles I once embraced strongly. Those few moments still linger vividly in my head. I didn't want to leave the same trails I left before.

       So, the classmate who used to sit behind me during M. Sc. Exam days, although I was never affected by the jokes you used to pull on about me never allowing to share the answers. The truth is – I usually wrote on my own, and, and made up the answers. Therefore, it was embarrassing to share. The other reason being – I didn’t allow my friends to wrongly gain marks via me.

        All these might seem very cheesy to some, might seem rather childish or, worse, nonsense. That’s just how I roll.

     Coming to research – The research work we carry out in our department includes going to villages, visiting several districts, meeting hundreds of farmers, etc. The main obstacle I had during my research work was that I was too bashful, too shy to be a guest in anyone else’s home, too soft to drag along my friends (usually juniors who accompanied me) for long.

       Although it’s shameful to admit it, I became one of the culprits who manipulated their data of research work. In other words, I simply became the person I was afraid to become. Our thesis would be uploaded to the netizens. Too many people might come across my papers and believe all the details and knowledge I put inside were true and genuine. I just couldn’t walk further. The crime could be too heavy (too dramatic now? 😊).

A Master’s degree was not what I came back for.
My mates, it's you ...

The photographs below represent some of the memories produced over a brief period of my study work. I apologize that I won’t be able to acknowledge all the people who helped me out.

Let me conclude it with the ‘Acknowledgement’ section. If you’re interested, I could provide you with the full write-up that needed to be re-polished for the final submission. But since I have no intention of
continuing, here it goes…


This thesis has been completed only because of multiple help from various people. Firstly, I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to the selected respondents. It would never have been possible to compile this work without their compliance.
Secondly, I express my appreciation towards my supervisor, Dr. N.K. Patra, Associate Professor of the Department of Agricultural Extension, NU: SASRD, for every single role he has played for the success of this work. We have gone through several troughs and crests together. His consistent assistance is the main pillar of this thesis. Altogether, I give thanks to the Committee Members, viz., Professor J. Longkumer, Department of Agricultural Extension, Professor C.S. Maiti, Department of Horticulture, and Dr. A.K. Sahu, Associate Professor of Department of Agricultural Economics. Their reasoning, intellectual interrogations and support have helped me apprehending this research.
The professional help and support of the Head of Department (HOD) of Agricultural Extension, Professor K.K. Jha, and the Dean of NU: SASRD, Professor Akali Sema can never be opted out. Every part of my research work has started here. My gratitude is expressed towards them.
This thesis has been concluded with immense help from the non-teaching staff of the Department of Agricultural Extension. They’re with me in every departmental work pertaining to my research. I give my thanks to them.
My research work has had the touch of several people. The help I received from these people could never be returned. Therefore, I extend my sincerest form of appreciation and acknowledgment towards the following names: Z.D. Lalrinsangi, Mercy Vanlalhmangaihi, K. Lalruatsangi, C. Lalhruaitluangi, T. Lalnunsangi, Martin Zohmingliana, Rollungmuana, Lallawmzuali, John Laltluangliana, Emelyne Lalmawipuii, Valerie Lalawmpuii, Lalngaihawmi, Timothy, Lungmuana, F. Vanlalmuanpuia, Zohmingmawia Renthlei and Miriam Lalramdinpuii Renthlei for facilitating my task of collecting some important personnel’s numbers, and also for helping in contacting local leaders of the villages selected for the research work.
A big thank you to Vanlalchhanchhuaha, K. Lalrinfela, Zohlunpuia, Remruatpuia, Lalrintluangi, R. Lalrohlui, Maria Lalrintluangi, Phairohlui, Andrew Lalthlamuana, Zohmingmawii Sailo and Lalramdinpuia Ralte for accompanying me to villages during the collection of data from the respondents. Some of the names mentioned here have also provided lodging during my stay in the villages. I could never fully express my gratitude to them. May you all continue to be a blessing to others.
I express my appreciation and gratitude towards my family for their prayer, their financial support, for the provision of vehicle, and for sacrificing their time during the whole process of the research work.
Last, but not the least, all thanks and glory to Almighty God. None of these efforts would have seen the light of a day without his approval.

Date:………………                                                                     (Vanlalzarzoliana)
Place: Medziphema


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